IAU Meteor Data Center Photographic and Video Databases

Version 2016


From this web page, you can obtain the photographic meteor orbits. The individual catalogues as well as the whole data as a single ZIP file are available. In total, the current version of the photographic database contains 4,873 records.

In modification made on January 17-th, 2017, the longitude of Sun of some meteors was corrected.

ZIPed and Excel-sheet data as a whole

db2013full.zip - ZIPped database for a download (0.6 MB) in full

The FORTRAN (F77 version) subroutine to read these data is available: reading.f

Alternatively, you can download the uncompressed data in the form of MS-Windows Excel sheet (1.1 MB):

or, you can download the reduced data, main parameters, which are appropriate for a visual consulting (each meteor in the single line; 0.4 MB): db2013in1line.zip

The full data of the actual 2013-version of the database in the format used at the previous, 2003, version are also available (0.5 MB): db2013inF2003.zip

Indiviual catalogues

Within the ZIP archive, the following 41 uncompressed data files on 41 catalogues are available (you can also download the data file by file, either the files with suffix "d13" containing the full data, or those with suffix "1l" containg the reduced, single-line data):

* B1.d13 .......... B1.1l

* B2.d13 .......... B2.1l

* B3.d13 .......... B3.1l

* C1.d13 .......... C1.1l

* D1.d13 .......... D1.1l

* D2.d13 .......... D2.1l

* D3.d13 .......... D3.1l

* D4.d13 .......... D4.1l

* D5.d13 .......... D5.1l

* D6.d13 .......... D6.1l

* D7.d13 .......... D7.1l

* D8.d13 .......... D8.1l

* E1.d13 .......... E1.1l

* E2.d13 .......... E2.1l

* E3.d13 .......... E3.1l

* E4.d13 .......... E4.1l

* F1.d13 .......... F1.1l

* G1.d13 .......... G1.1l

* H1.d13 .......... H1.1l

* I1.d13 .......... I1.1l

* I2.d13 .......... I2.1l

* J1.d13 .......... J1.1l

* K1.d13 .......... K1.1l

* K2.d13 .......... K2.1l

* K3.d13 .......... K3.1l

* N1.d13 .......... N1.1l

* N2.d13 .......... N2.1l

* O1.d13 .......... O1.1l

* O2.d13 .......... O2.1l

* O3.d13 .......... O3.1l

* O4.d13 .......... O4.1l

* O5.d13 .......... O5.1l

* O6.d13 .......... O6.1l

* P1.d13 .......... P1.1l

* R1.d13 .......... R1.1l

* S1.d13 .......... S1.1l

* T1.d13 .......... T1.1l

* T2.d13 .......... T2.1l

* T3.d13 .......... T3.1l

* U1.d13 .......... U1.1l

* W1.d13 .......... W1.1l

Single-line data as a whole

all2013.1l - all catalogues in the single-line format merged and meteors arranged by their date of detection during year, from January 1-st to December 31-st; file "all2013.1l" is an alternative form of the data contained in files "*.1l"

The formats and content of the individual data files are described here.

Specific information concerning the data are summarized in the files:

supplem.lst - list of meteors with some basic parameters completed in the IAU MDC (these parameters were not published by the original authors)

correct.lst - list of meteors corrected in one basic parameter in the IAU MDC

twocorr.lst - list of meteors reliably corrected in two basic parameters in the IAU MDC

reject.lst - list of meteors, where two or more corrections were necessary to reach that the data were mutually consistent, whereby the correctness still cannot be guaranted; the meteors are recommended to be rejected from the data in a proper usage

hyperb.lst - list of meteors on extremly hyperbolic orbits (with the heliocentric velocity beyond the Gaussian dispersion) with their extreme values eccentricity and heliocentric velocity

document.pdf - documentation to the photographic database as a PDF file (0.85 MB)

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HTML created by L. Neslusan
Issued on: February 13, 2016 (CBET No. 4255)
Last modification on: February 13, 2017