------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZOZNAM ODBORNYCH KNIH KUPENYCH V OSTATNYCH ROKOCH GRANTAMI OFS ASU SAV: J.Rybak, v.3, 2016/01/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APVV-0816-11: 1/ Programovací jazyk C Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie Computer Press, 2006 http://www.martinus.sk/?uItem=29996 2/ Expert C Programming Peter van der Linden http://www.martinus.sk/?uItem=105303 3/ The Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing Richard Berry, James Burnell http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Astronomical-Image-Processing/dp/0943396824/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366613055&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Handbook+of+Astronomical+Image+Processing 4/ Coronal Mass Ejections: An Introduction Timothy Howard http://www.amazon.com/Coronal-Mass-Ejections-Introduction-Astrophysics/dp/1441987886/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357974692&sr=1-1&keywords=coronal+mass+ejections+an+introduction 5/ Magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun Eric Priest http://www.cambridge.org/sk/academic/subjects/astronomy/solar-and-space-plasma-physics/magnetohydrodynamics-sun?format=HB 6/ Theory of Stellar Atmospheres: An Introduction to Astrophysical Non-equilibrium Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis Ivan Hubeny & Dimitri Mihalas http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10407.html 7/ Solar Astrophysics, 3rd Edition Peter V. Foukal http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-3527411038.html 8/ Author: Dermott Mullan Title: Physics of the Sun: A First Course http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781420083071 http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Sun-First-Course-Applied/dp/1420083074/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366612599&sr=1-1&keywords=Physics+of+the+Sun%3A+A+First+Course 9/ The Solar Corona, 2nd Edition, Leon Golub, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Jay M. Pasachoff http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0521485355/ref=tmm_pap_new_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=1366614272&sr=1-1 10/ Polarization in Spectral Lines Landi Degl'Innocenti, E., Landolfi, M. http://www.springer.com/astronomy/astronomy,+observations+and+techniques/book/978-1-4020-2414-6 11/ Astronomical Polarimetry Jaap Tinbergen http://www.amazon.com/Astronomical-Polarimetry-Jaap-Tinbergen/dp/0521475317/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1367219383&sr=1-9&keywords=Landi+Degl%27Innocenti%2C+E.%2C+Landolfi%2C+M. 12/ Early Solar Physics Meadows, A.J. http://www.amazon.com/Commonwealth-international-library-Selected-readings/dp/0080066534/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366613990&sr=1-2&keywords=Early+Solar+Physics 15 USD 20 Eur 13/ Python 3 vyukovy kurz M. Summerfield 14/ The Solar Activity Cycle Physical Causes and Consequences Editors: Andras Balogh, Hugh Hudson, Kristof Petrovay, Rudolf von Steiger ISBN: 978-1-4939-2583-4 (Print) 978-1-4939-2584-1 (Online) http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4939-2584-1 15/ Solar Prominences Editors: Jean-Claude Vial, Oddbjørn Engvold ISBN: 978-3-319-10415-7 (Print) 16/ Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light authors and contributors: Max Born, Emil Wolf, A. B. Bhatia, P. C. Clemmow, D. Gabor, A. R. Stokes, A. M. Taylor, P. A. Wayman, W. L. Wilcock Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 7th edition (October 13, 1999) ISBN-10: 0521642221 ISBN-13: 978-0521642224 17/ Eugene Hecht Optics Verlag: Pearson Education Limited ISBN-10: 1292021578 ISBN-13: 978-1292021577 18/ Fitzpatrick Richard Plasma Physics: An Introduction ISBN-13: 978-1466594265 ISBN-10: 1466594268 19/ Margarita Ryutova Physics of Magnetic Flux Tubes available from Springer ISBN 978-3-662-45242-4 20/ Heliophysics Heliophysics I: "Plasma physics of the local cosmos" Heliophysics II: "Space storms and radiation: causes and effects" Heliophysics III:"Evolving solar activity and the climates of space and Earth" Heliophysics II: "Space storms and radiation: causes and effects" Heliophysics III:"Evolving solar activity and the climates of space and Earth" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAR DR. K.J.H. PHILLIPSA: 1/ K.J.H.Phillips Guide to the Sun ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KONFERENCIA ISCS 2013, TATRANSKA LOMNICA, J. SYKORA: 1/ Dynamic Sun B.N.Dwivedi, E.N. Parker 2/ Plasma Astrophysics: Kinetic Processes ... A.O. Benz VEGA 4013: 1/ Data Reduction and Error Analysis Bevington, Robinson APVV-0066-06: 1/ Physics of the Solar Corona and Transition Region J.W. Harvey 2/ The High Energy Solar corona: waves, eruptions, particles K.-L.Klein 3/ Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis D.B. Percival 4/ Plasma Physics for Astrophysics R.M. Kulsrud 5/ ASP Conf. Ser. 397 - First Results of Hinode 6/ ASP Conf. Ser. 369 - New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission 7/ Space Weather Volker Bothmer 8/ Physics of the Solar Corona: An Introduction with Problems and Solutions Markus J. Aschwanden 9/ Handbook of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Yohsuke Kamide 10/ Ultraviolet and X-ray Spectroscopy of the Solar Atmosphere Kenneth J. H. Phillips, Uri Feldman, Enrico Landi 11/ Conservations on electric and magnetic Fields E.N. Parker: ========================================================================