TRACE: 3/10 - finalizing program/target for 6/10 19/8 - test was perfomed on 11/8/2008 18:30-23:00 final request: time: 07:00-13:30 UT FOV : 768x768 - no binning channels&exposures: as on 11/8/2008 195A - 19.5s, 10 exposure in a sequence then 1600+WL each 6 minutes in case of ongoing the memory problems binning 2x2 31/7 - tests for the 30s fixed exposure time and a log time interval of uninterruped observations (07:00-13:30UT) to be performed in August (D.Myers) CDS: 03/10 - target for 6/10 18/08 - lines exchanges as requested 01/08 - CDS hass confirmed the CDS support for the campaign. Only one calibration program and two runs of the support for the EIT shutterless are in conflict with us. But we hope they can be shifted for the afternoon hours. They will exchange the OIII->FeXIX line in September. MDI: 03/08 - week 41 MDI plan 04/08 - confirmation of the request - our campaign on their long-term plan information on very limited telemetry ouside of the 5-day cont contact (15-19/10/2008) SOHO: 01/10 - lst meeting minutes reply 26/09 - final decison on the planning list: MDI+EIT+CDS support confirmed 04/08 - put on the long-term plan as the JOP189 again EIT informed what we ask for entry to Aug 2008 Science Planning Working Group's agenda & materials information on actual ICAL campaign length - it only takes one day EIS: 02/10 - preparation of version 2 of the program Hinode: 05/10 - final target for 6/10 03/10 - finalisation of the EIS part, SOT procedure 01/10 - correction of the HOP088 program plans at the web page of Hinode 25/09 - confirmation of the support - HOP 088 27/08 - request for the Hinode HOP supporting the DOT camapign 28/08 - particulare request sent to SSC-IS of EIS, XRT, SOT