PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : Martina Kováčová NAZOV / TITLE : A prediction of the collisions of Main Belt asteroids with stream meteoroids ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : Meteoroid particles can collide with asteroids. If a meteoroid is large, it can trigger asteroid activity; an outburst of brightness occurs. When the meteoroids in a stream cross a region of interplanetary space, the flux of these meteoroids is considerably larger than the flux of sporadic meteoroids. Therefore, the probability of a collision is significantly larger. We mapped the passages of main-belt asteroids through the known meteoroid streams. The probability that a given asteroid is hit by a meteoroid in the timescale of a human life is extremely low. However, we document that there is a large number of passages of all asteroids through the streams each year; therefore, a few collisions between asteroids and meteoroids, large enough to trigger observable activity, may be expected during the lifetime of a human or, possibly, even during a single year, on average. Even though it is possible none will be observed, it is expected some will be detected.