PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : Dušan Tomko NAZOV / TITLE : Long-period dynamical evolution of the meteoroid stream originating in comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : We investigated the dynamical evolution of the meteoroid stream originating in the nucleus of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. We created 20 partial models, in each assuming 10,000 test particles, and fixed values for the evolutionary time and the strength of the Poynting–Robertson effect. We confirmed that the orbit of the parent comet and the orbits of the test particles, representing the meteoroids, evolved rapidly. This fast evolution resulted in a relatively short duration (up to approx. 1000 years) of the orbital concentrations of the meteoroids that could be identified as the meteor showers. We confirmed the relationship between comet 21P and the October Draconid meteor shower, #9. In addition to this shower, we predicted another five showers related to the comet. Four of these showers were also identified with their real counterparts. Some identifications were multiple. Specifically, we further found an association, or indication of association of 21P, with the ι-Cygnids, #525, August β-Aquariids, #474, June ξ1-Sagittariids, #861, ξ2-Capricornids, #623, Northern σ-Sagittariids, #167, α-Capricornids, #1, Daytime Capricornids-Sagittariids, #115, and ν-Draconids, #220.