[astroCS] COSPAR roadmaps

Jan Rybak choc at ta3.sk
Fri Aug 23 09:11:51 UTC 2013

Vazene kolegyne a vazeni kolegovia,

informujeme o aktivite COSPARu, ktory vypracoval uz dve studie
(roadmap) tykajuce sa astronomickeho vyskumu pomocou druzic.

Jedna sa o materialy:

Future of Space Astronomy: A global Road Map for the next decades, 2012, 
Advance in Space Research, 50, 1-55


Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach, 
2012, Advance in Space Research, 49, 2-48.

Linky k tymto roadmaps najdete na adrese

O distribuciu informacii o tejto aktivite poziadal Prof. Bignamiho, 
prezident COSPARu, zastupcu SR v COSPARe prof. Kudelu s tym, ze ho
pozidal o ¨to request your assisstance as Representative to
COSPAR in bringing the enclosed documents and their findings to
the attention of relevant authorities and institutions in your
country or community).¨

Dalsie dve studie o ¨space weather¨ a ¨integrated Earth system science¨
by mali byt publikovane v roku 2014.

S pozdravom

Jan Rybak, clen NK COSPAR za AsU

LSO, 23/8/2013

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