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Title: Asteroid (3200) Phaeton: results of polarimetric, photometric, and spectral observations.
Authors: N. Kiselev, V. Rosenbush, D. Petrov, I. Luk’yanyk, O. Ivanova, N. Pit, K. Antoniuk, V. Afanasiev
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Description: In the article, we present the results of polarimetric, photometric, and spectral observations of the asteroid (3200) Phaethon in a wide range of phase angles (19°–135°). Observations show that the surface of asteroid Phaethon exhibits extremely large linear polarization (45% at a phase angle of 124°), which may be evidence for the surface heterogeneity of Phaethon. The spectral polarization slope of Phaethon is typical of low-albedo asteroids. The observed polarimetric data were modeled by the Sh-matrix method. The best fit was obtained using particles composed of Mg-rich silicates and amorphous carbon.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(4), 4861-4875 (2022).