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Title: Stable configuration of ultrarelativistic material spheres: The solution for an extremely hot gas
Authors: L. Neslusan
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Description: We corrected the well-known conclusions by Oppenheimer and Volkoff published in 1939 that the last stage of the evolution of the most massive stars, after the thermonucklear reactions are extinct, is a gravitational collapse down to a point-like size and that no matter or radiation can escape from the zone below the gravitational radius of the collapsed object. Specifically, we proved that the equation of state for the gas in the surface layer of objects becomes identical to the relativistic equation of the hydrostatic equilibrium, when the proper physical radius of the object becomes the same as its Schwarzschild gravitational radius. It means, the gravity is completely compensated by the total gradient of the pressure on such the object's surface. The object becomes stable in this situation. The internal energy of its surface layer increases over all limits, at the same time, therefore the horizon of events is not longer any insuperable barrier for such the energetic matter. In other words, an escape of matter and, thus, radiation from the black holes is possible.
Reference: NESLUŠAN, Luboš. Stable configuration of ultrarelativistic material spheres: The solution for an extremely hot gas. In Physical Review D. ISSN 1550-7998, 2009, vol. 80, article no. 024015, 11 p.