Participants of IOAA in Beijing, from left M. Jagelka - silver, P. Kosec - gold and J. Dolinský - honorable mention
Olympiad in Astronomy (AO) is a competition in astronomy and related sciences in two levels, for scholars from primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. The organizer of the project APVV (LPP-0172-06) is the Slovak Astronomical Society (SAS) and co-solver is the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Hundreds of pupils and students from 45 primary and 35 secondary schools were involved to solve the theoretical and practical astronomical questions. The best high-school students were awarded by participation on International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). Therefore our aim was to seek the talented scholars, to support and improve systematically their scientific development from astronomy and related sciences on special seminars and meetings, to test and compare their knowledge and skills with other countries all over the world. During the four years of IOAA, there were participated totally 11 talented students and all of them were honorable mention and some of them were awarded by 2 bronze, 1silver and 2 gold medals. 6 students were motivated and recruited for studying of astronomy and physics at universities in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the Great Britain. The most successful was a year 2010 in Beijing where our students were awarded by silver and gold medal and Peter Kosec was the fourth best student all over the world. On the project APVV (LPP-0172-06) were from AsÚ SAV participated as follows: L. Hric – principal investigator, J. Zverko – legal representative, J. Svoreň - member and E. Kundra – administrator of WEB page of AO ( /Akcie/AO/).
L. Hric, M. H. Bartolomejová.: Astronomická olympiáda – 3 roky úspechov, Zborník príspevkov z odbornej konferencie Quo vadis vzdelávanie k vede a technike na stredných školách, Bratislava, 2. - 3. 11. 2009, MŠ SR, ISBN 978-80-969956-4-6, p. 70 - 72. (vyšlo v r. 2010) L. Hric, M. H. Bartolomejová.: Aktivity Astronomickej olympiády v roku 2010, Zborník príspevkov z odbornej konferencie Quo vadis vzdelávanie k vede a technike na stredných školách, Bratislava, 29. 11. - 1. 12. 2010, MŠ SR. M. H. Bartolomejová, L. Hric.: Vyhodnotenie projektu Astronomickej olympiády a jej budúcnosť, Zborník príspevkov z odbornej konferencie Quo vadis vzdelávanie k vede a technike na stredných školách, Bratislava, 29. 11. - 1. 12. 2010, MŠ SR.