New astrophysical method for study of internal structure of cosmic objects
L. Hric
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Normalized cumulative histogram of the observed flare duration, together with six simulated histograms for different α values: from bottom to top 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 10. The simulated histograms have been computed for the following parameters: M1 = 1.37 M Slnka, Ṁ acc = 1.9 × 1018 g s−1, Rout = 1011 cm and Rin = 3.5 × 109 cm.
In astrophysics I suggested the new method enabling to study the internal structure of cosmic objects and pointing out the physical mechanisms being in progress by very cheap photometry(without using of filters). Using of expensive spectroscopic method is also possible later on. The fundamental idea comes from knowledge where the radiation of some cosmic objects is characterized by stochastic var.(flickering). Supposing the character of the flickering bears the signature of physical processes that in the internal structure of studied object play main role during transformation of of energy to radiation. Statistical analysis of mentioned flickering and comparison of observations with the set of possible models enables determine some physical parameters of the area with released observed radiation. Firstly we used this method in the case of recurrent nova T CrB. We analyzed V-band photometry of the flickering in T CrB at 45 s time res. We applied a simple idea of angular momentum transport in the accretion disc (AD) and we developed the method for simulating the statistical distribution of individual flickering flare duration. Assuming that the stochastic variability of brightness is caused by turbulent elements in AD. Both cumulative histograms with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and power density spectra were used to compare the observed and simulated runs. In introduced paper we derived the lower limit of viscosity parameter, radius of internal AD and flickering we localized in the central part of AD. In the future we are going to study by this method also other objects and we assume to obtain statistically significant set of photometric data what fulfills rec. nova RS Oph now.
DOBROTKA, Andrej - HRIC, Ladislav - CASARES, J. - SHAHBAZ, T. - MARTÍNEZ-PAIS, I.G. - MUŇOZ-DARIAS, T. Searching for flickering statistics in T CrB. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, vol. 402, p. 2567-2574. (5.103 - IF2009). (2010 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0035-8711.