THE DATA CHARACTERIZING THE MODEL OF STELLAR PASSAGES AROUND THE SOLAR SYSTEM OVER THE PERIOD OF 1 GYR REMARKS: The detailed description of the data and their purpose is given in the paper: Leto, G., Jakubik, M., Paulech, T., Neslusan, L. 2006, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, in press. (Main Paper) The data are available in a single file named "entrances.dat". In total, the characteristics about 41589 simulated stars passing around the solar system during 1 Gyr are provided. STRUCTURE: The characteristics of each star is recorded in 3 lines, which are separated from the characteristics of the next star by a blank line. Content * first line: T - time of reaching the heliocentric distance, where the perturbation of the star becomes significant and the motion of the star should be followed through a numerical integration of its orbit, further [days from the beginning of the considered 1-Gyr period] STAR - identification number in the format $$#####, where $$ represent the number of the spectral type, from 01 to 13 (see Main Paper) and ##### is a serial number of the star within its type M - mass [solar mass] Q - perihelion distance which is reached by the star, when only the solar gravity and Galactic tide, characterized with A = -B = 13 km/s/kpc and rho_GM = 0.1 solar mass/pc^3, influence the motion of the star [AU] * second line: X, Y, Z - rectangular heliocentric coordinates in time T [AU] * third line: VX, VY, VZ - rectangular heliocentric components of the velocity vector in time T [AU/day] The coordinates and velocity components are referred to the modified Galactic coordinate system with x-axis oriented in the direction outward from the Galactic centre, y-axis in the direction of Galactic rotation, and z-axis in the direction of south Galactic pole. ======================================================================== APPENDIX: C FORTRAN reading of the data in the file "entrances.dat" C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,K-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER (I,J) CHARACTER*7 STAR DIMENSION T(41589),STAR(41589),M(41589),Q(41589) DIMENSION X(41589),Y(41589),Z(41589) DIMENSION VX(41589),VY(41589),VZ(41589) C OPEN(UNIT=10,FILE='entrance.dat',STATUS='OLD',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL') C DO 20 I=1,41589 READ(10,510) T(I),STAR(I),M(I),Q(I) READ(10,520) X(I),Y(I),Z(I) READ(10,530) VX(I),VY(I),VZ(I) 20 CONTINUE CLOSE(UNIT=10) STOP C 510 FORMAT(F14.0,2X,A7,'. ',F18.14,2X,F9.0) 520 FORMAT(3D23.14) 530 FORMAT(3D23.14/) END