CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 51, No.: 2, year: 2021

Abstract: The analysis of light curves (from TESS, ASAS--SN and KWS databases) of the eclipsing binary V355 And is presented for the first time. The O-C diagram was constructed using all available times of minimum light together with the ones determined in this study, and the revised ephemeris was obtained. The final photometric model describes V355 And as an Algol-like type binary star with a detached configuration. Absolute parameters of the components of the system were found to be: masses, M1=1.56±0.01 M and M2=1.38±0.01 M, radii, R1=1.70±0.03 R and R2=1.38±0.03 R, and effective temperatures, T1=6650±200 K and T2=6235±201 K. Considering interstellar extinction the distance to V355 And was computed as 117±7 pc. The evolutionary state of V355 And is also discussed using the Geneva stellar models.

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