CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 51, No.: 1, year: 2021

Abstract: This paper summarizes the project work on asteroseismology at the ERASMUS+ GATE 2020 Summer school on space satellite data. The aim was to do a global asteroseismic analysis of KIC 5006817, and quantify its stellar properties using the high-quality, state of the art space missions data. We employed the aperture photometry to analyze the data from the Kepler space telescope and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Using the lightkurve Python package, we have derived the asteroseismic parameters and calculated the stellar parameters using the scaling relations. Our analysis of KIC 5006817 confirmed its classification as a heartbeat binary. The rich oscillation spectrum facilitate estimating power excess (νmax) at 145.50±0.50 μHz and large frequency separation (Δν) to be 11.63±0.10 μHz. Our results showed that the primary component is a low-luminosity, red-giant branch star with a mass, radius, surface gravity and luminosity of 1.53±0.07 M, 5.91±0.12 R, 3.08±0.01 dex, and 19.66±0.73 L, respectively. The orbital period of the system is 94.83±0.05 d.

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