Multi-wavelength high resolution observations of a M5.4 flare from ground and space

A. Kucera1, H. Wöhl2 J. Rybák1, P. Gomory1, A. Veronig3

1Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-05960 Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia
2Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
3IGAM/Institute for Physics, University of Graz, Graz, Austria


We present observations of all phases of a M5.4 are and the associated CME which occurred in active region AR 10646 (N12, W43) on July 13, 2004. Multiwavelength observations were performed in a coordinated campaign to cover the whole solar atmosphere from the photosphere to the corona. Observations were made with the German VTT, (WL, H-alpha images, photospheric spectral lines near the are), SOHO/CDS (six spectral lines), SOHO/EIT, and TRACE. Supplementary data were collected from astronomical databases, namely SOHO/MDI (white light and magnetograms), SOHO/LASCO, RHESSI X-ray data, full Stokes magnetograms from Mitaka, Big Bear and Haleakala observatories, GOES X-ray data and radio-observations from Trieste, Z®urich, IZMIRAN-Irkutsk and Potsdam. The temporal evolution of the event is presented in particular channels and spectra and some results are discussed. Especially the dynamics of a lament eruption was observed in both H-alpha and TRACE (19.5 nm). In addition intensity and velocity oscillations observed in SOHO/CDS spectra and the coupling and timing of different hot layers revealed in RHESSI, SOHO/CDS, SOHO/EIT and TRACE data with the CME observed with SOHO/LASCO are documented.

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