Personal notes from the MC meeting of the COST MP1104 action Vienna, 10/04/2013 Jan Ryak Item 4. a. 277 members, 119 persons registered, 22 countries in Action (5/11/2012 SK official date of acceptance) b. budget status: no meetings in jan,feb due to reimb/budget problem 2013 budget: 140kEur, 120kEur for science 63kEur for meetings vienna, zurich, serbia, helsinki ~15persons(12+3kEUR), Florence ~15persons 22kEur school, 20kEur stsms, 4Eur outreach school: 32.5kEur planned for 35 persons -> 38.0kEur alreaady 20->29 students + teachers STSMs: 10.3K for 7 persons already used in 1st 2013 call 2nd call 2013: end - Nov 30, deadline to apply: April 20, answer: Jule 8 time slot July 1 - Nov 30 5. Early Stage Researchs: School, 3 young in 1st call of stsm Gender: video interview of girls during the school as a try... 9. Zurich: previous meeting item - definitions+... decision: list of polarimetry reduction codes with contacts to the web page 10. 2013: olan Belgrade: meeting Florence: meeting Helsinki: meeting coronal polarimetry: Arturo Ariste + Silvano Fineschi PdM + Torino 11/2013, Toulouse ~10-15kEur, asking for more the COST office Istanbul: MP0905+1104 School: 32 students, already closed 2014: meeting on techniques - Frans Snik: Leiden, broad covarage, 2-4/2014, max 55 persons, ~20kEur, ASTROPOL 2014: Grenoble, June ~9-13?, minatec, coorganization, 30kEur 40 persons meeting on modelling - Trujillo, Stepan: Prague, 1st week of May, 15kEur X+gamma ray polarimetry: Stockholm autumn ACM conference: polarimetry session Helsinki ------------------------------------------------------------------ IAU symposium on polarimetry of Sun and starts - unknown still... SPIE astronomy 23-25/6/2014 12. non-COST country istitutions: also USA motivation letter to Lamy, he moves further, we can go there for stsm next MC meeting: Prague ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: BUYING TICKETS ONLY AFTER RECEIVING INVITATION TODO: Arturo: astropribor info on super achromatic half waveplates Action web: list of instruments - CoMP-S polarimetric definitions from Zurich Books: polarized light in Nature Gabor book