Some pictures of the observatory, telescopes and our setup at the SST

(photos: Ales Kucera, camera: OLYMPUS E-300)

Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain): the 1m Swedish Solar Tower (SST) behind stones on the ridge of the Caldera de Taburiente (left), dome of the Dutch Open Telescope and the sunset bolow its main platform (right).

Julius Koza and Jan Rybak (left), Ales Kucera (right) at the top of the Swedish Solar Tower (SST) while the Dutch Open Telescope is seen behind them.

Ales Kucera installing a filter to the setup (left) and Rolf Kever cleaning the optical table (right).

Pit Sutterlin and Jan Rybak in the control room of he DOT (left) and monitor screen of the computer operating the correlation tracker of the SST (right).


Monitor screens of the computers operating the science cameras for the slit-jaw images (left) and the corresponding spectra (right).

The control room of the SST telescope with Julius Koza working at his laptop and Jan Rybak writing some notes (left). Look along the path of light from the telescope in direction to the spectrograph - the slit-jaw 630nm camera and the slit-jaw Ca II H camera in front.

The SST setup from the opposite (spectrograph) site - cube giving light for the WFS and the CT, optics for the slit-jaw cameras (left and right).

The entrance part od the spectrograph with the spectral sciences cameras, the CT and the WFS (left and right).

Special event of the campaign: an evening walk around the observatory: general view of the observatory when starting (left) and finishing (right) the walk.

The WHT telescope starting its work in the evening (left). The WHT and the SST and the DOT like its children (right).

Shadows of three observers - at the moment observing the sunset as the turists everywhere all around the world (left). Jan Rybak watching the sunset while the Sun is still quite high above the Atlantic ocean (left).

Last update: Jan Rybak, Apr 16, 2006