PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : Jan Rybak NAZOV / TITLE : Lomnicky Stit Observatory - last two years (2018-2019) ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : A review of work performed at the Lomnicky Stit Observatory (LSO) of AISAS in the last two years will be given. Talk will give a brief tour through the LSO and then changes, current status and plans regarding different parts of the observatory from its building infrastructure to the observing instruments will ve described. Organization of work at the observatory will be also presented. The talk will cover work made by the LSO group itself (J. Ambroz, F. Budzak, M. Hutar, J. Rybak, P.Schwartz, M. Trembac) and thanks to support of other AISAS staff (P. Gomory, S.J. Gonzales Manrigue, S. Irha, D. Jendrejcak, J. Klein, R. Komzik, J. Koza, etc). Almost no science, but a lot about running the LSO and about technical issues related to the individual observing instruments of the LSO - both so crucial for doing science at the LSO.